Friday, November 21, 2008

Waiting for Superman..

The other day I was having a discussion with a friend on the current state of the country and how nobody is really thinking of a solution. There are no credible think-tanks that are working on a way out. She argued that if we search hard enough and long enough, we can find a solution that will solve all our problems. Although I didn’t agree, I did give it a lot of thought. I analysed the events of the past couple of years and problems we are facing today. I tried to find explanation for these through whatever historic facts I knew. I finally made a very alarming discovery. My friend was right. There can be one solution to all our problems: We need a Superhero!!

I’ve grown up reading a lot of comic books, especially superhero ones. The stories are almost invariably along the same guidelines. Creating situations so overwhelmingly dire that a solution is beyond the abilities of the average man. You need these special human beings ( and in some cases aliens ) with special powers to overcome the odds and make the world a safer place for the common man.

I look at our country today and can’t help noticing these glaring similarities to those fictional cities like Metropolis or Gotham City: law and order is non-existent; constantly under alien attack (on our borders); people have lost faith in public offices and the judicial system; and known felons have been given legitimacy and now control everything. 

Now in a republic, one would expect the voice of the people and their elected representatives be the saviours. Well our elected “leaders” have yet to deliver “truth” or “justice” to the country, but they sure are efficient in promoting “the American Way”. One out of three just won’t do. 

We need a superhero. A real one and not one from Rawalpindi. Someone who has undeniable integrity, unquestionable patriotism and unwavering resolve. Someone to whom the integrity of the Constitution and the Republic is above all else. We need a genuine saviour.

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